Where are we at with this thing?

Hello! Some changes from the last update.

Last time I said I wanted to get a tighter version of the demo out there, but I decided not to do this. I will soon take down the demo entirely.

If you are new to Paradise Delta, I do not recommend now as a good time to start.

Soon I will release the early access version. When I say that, I must first define my usage of 'early access' then I will define my usage of 'soon'.

For Paradise Delta, early access means the majority of the game complete. A full ending, last boss and dungeon, mechanic complete, done.
At a certain point of the story of the early access version (Estimated around the 20 hour mark) there will be a disclaimer. Continue now and see the ending, or wait for the full version which wraps up additional conflicts and story arcs adding a significant and as of yet undefined scope of game time. While nothing is guaranteed in early access, it is my intent to make those save files from that point function as backups for when the full version is complete.

It is my hope that doing it this way will allow me to have the full uncompromising vision I had for the game, while also being able to finish it and keep the feature bloat and scope creep until control.

My intent is to keep this early access version of PD free so there would be no reason to have a demo of a free game at that point.

Earlier I said that the early access version will be available soon.

What does this mean in length of time? Hard to say, but based on my average speed and plotted out content, I think by the summer I should have this out.

The full version from there will likely be another year or more.

The card battle system is currently in my rear view mirror, but not beyond reach.
The plugin suite I was using is actively being developed as I worked on Paradise Delta and it no longer made sense to rework a train in motion.

I may revisit this, but the current plan is early access ending out by summer, finished full version, rework complete version with card battle system and new content as a directors cut version (honestly, unlikely, but I like the sound of it!)

Keep on dreaming!

Love you all for reading~

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